
Friday, December 30, 2011

demam exam

insyaAllah will be facing my final exam next week.please pray so that i can be in DL. really hope those who will be taking the same exam, best of luck.and do your vey best. BEN students let's us be in DL together :)

Saturday, December 17, 2011

how i wish it will happen


alhamdulillah they had done with their interview successfully. truely deep in my heart i wish that I could be with them. but my dream will never come true. i have to wake up and face my life. but even it just an interview but im pretty sure that all of them will pass it. how i wish they will never leave us because we're nothing without them. even though for them im not important but believe me you are important to me.

only if I can say and make decision for them, I WILL DO. but their future is in their hands not mine. I can only pray that they will make a good decision. If im in your place, definately i'll go and find the best place ever. It is not here of course.if we compare the situation and the nature of the course between unisza and uitm, of course people will know their answer. to SYAFIQA AZIZ, SYAHEEN FARHANA, NUR AFIQAH HAIRUDIN, and IZZATI MUSTAHNA i made this post specially to you guys

how i wish u will not leave us. but in case all of you get the offer to further there, please go there. grab the best chance in front of your eyes. because i know uitm shah alam is the best thing ever in your life. that's why God give you that chance. i hope that you guys will success anywhere you are and make the right decision ever.

bila wani tanya 'kau rasa dorang nak pergi ke?'. aku pun tergamam nak jawab apa. mungkin dorang akan pergi if dorang fikir pasal future dorang walaupun dorang berat hati nak tinggalkan kita. tapi if ko tanya dorang patut pergi ke. YES, they should go.

i wish u will be with me forever :(

x dpt dah nk dgr gurauan ko lps ni kan

yg blakng eh rumet sy eh :(
x dpt nk cri gaduh dgn ko dah :(

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

im not giving up


first all all,yeah this week really make me is a really hectic week ever with lots of presentation and all.but i have to face all that so that i can fulfil all the course assessment. sometimes i felt like giving up in my life.there's lots of thing that i dont like to do but for the seek of study... I HAVE TO. macam x ikhlas kan?but it is the truth. even i still miss all the moment in uitm

the best thing here is i love my friends and im not ready to leave them. even i dont like the course because of certain subject and the environment here but in certain situation i can put my heart here. because of my friends is really awesome. the final is just around the corner and sem 1 will be ended soon. at LAST i managed to survive here almost 4 months. alhamdulillah :)

the most challenging moment is when i know that i dont get the interview to further my study in B.Ed TESL in shah the one who ask them to send all their certificates to shah alam. im the first one that applied the intake but they are the one who got the offer for the interview. i was like giving up with my life over again because im put so much effort and hope to get the offer. but rezeki semua di tangan yang maha berkuasa. mungkin ade hikmah di sebalik semua yang berlaku. siapalah kita untuk tolak qodo dan qadar ALLAH. alhamdulillah i can accept those yang dapat, go and grab the chance because u know the benefits of being there. let me just stay here and go on with my will try my best here.

 i know i can do it :)

Sunday, December 4, 2011

proud to be ur friend :)

alhamdulillah.after a long time not seeing u. terkejut bila kawan sendiri keluar online newspaper.congraz my friend.saya tau awak boleh berjaya kat sana.and im proud to know u before.teruskan perjuangan sayang.insyaallah segala pengorbanan diberkati :)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

update update update :)


it has been about a month im not updating my blog.kind of busy with few thing in this new place to me. life sometimes getting better and sometimes my the journey of my life becoming worse due to several problems that i cant handle with myself.

ARGHHHH.sometimes i fell like giving up with my life. crying all the times because of my new life. until now 2 of my coursemates decided to quit because they cant adapt with the nature of my course and maybe our environment. friends are awesome but some of them making me headache bcoz of their annoying attitude. LIFE CHANGE. i still dream of to get my foundation life back. but the dream will always come true because time keeps moving. i almost give up sometimes with myself because of my progress here. i applied UiTM intake next year.and i really hope that ALLAH will show my some guidance so that i'll make the right decision.

lots of test, asgmnts and presentation need to be done in this 3 weeks. students love last minute preparation and so do i. and in this 3 weeks we have to be prepared to our final exam. not ready at alll.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

life is getting better from day to more crying because of the environment here.because there're my strength here.when the time i am down, i'll always thinking of getting out here.

but now life is getting better.with them my awesome friends

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


salam to all readers.
alhamdulillah selesai sudah kursus induksi felda tahun 2011/2012.kursus ni berlangsung di Universiti Putra Malaysia.bermula dari 18-21 ogos bersamaan dengan 4 hari 3 malam la.mula-mula dapat tau kena gi kursus ni excited pun ada sebab bosan jugak asyik dok rumah je.tapi bila fikirkan kena berjuang masa bulan puasa ni, rasa berat jugak hati. tapi tu bukan lah penghalang untuk aku ikut kursus ni.maybe banyak input yang boleh dikumpul sebelum masuk alam universiti balik kan.hehehe

mula gerak ke upm pada 18 ogos pukul 9 lebih.perjalanan makan masa dalam sejam++ je.sampai je register then dapat bilik kolej kelima blok kelah bilik 0001A. alhamdulillah duduk ground floor je n sebelah toilet.memang gempak lah bilik ni sebab besar sgt locker n meja.memang boleh bersyukur la bakal mahasiswa UPM ni.kalah lah rating UiTM. tapi belum tengok unisza lagi kan.hehehe

so segala pengisian sepanjang program ni boleh dikatakan berguna lah jugak.walaupun mengantuk sangat tapi terpaksa lah tahan jugak mata ni. alhamdulillah boleh lah survive sepanjang 4 hari tu. there's LDK session jugak yang dipecahkan mengikut in zon pantai timur lah kan.banyak benda yang telah disampaikan oleh fasi.thanks a lot to abg Umair. semoga berjumpa lagi

hope to see u guys as fasi next next year.marilah kita bersama-sama majukan felda dengan berkhidmat bersama of luck for our own future.selamat hari raya aidilfitri.maaf zahir dan batin.
the only one pic :)

Saturday, June 4, 2011


saya rindu awak semua.sekian.











aku akan simpan segala kenangan kita bersama hingga akhir hayat.
best of luck kawan2.
dimana pun anda lepas ni, teruskan perjuangan.
sayang korang ketat2

kawan pertama saya!imy :)

jage diri awk baik2!

cutest bestie:)

raja makan !

teman sehidup semati. tq awk!

saya x kan lupekan awk sume.
itu janji saya

dalam ingatan

hati kami bersatu

bahan gelak ketawa

baju sehati sejiwa

rindu semua senyuman

best of luck in the future!

kawan baik.janji tau

ratu makan :)


kegembiraan yg trpncr!

Friday, June 3, 2011

cuti :)


apa khabar semua readers?cewah.macam banyak sangat je readers aku ni.tak pe.yang penting aku akan teruskan perjuangan menulis blog ni. alhamdulillah,sekarang tengah cuti sekolah kan 2 minggu.tapi aku tak rase pape pun sebab memang tengah cuti selama 6 bulan eh.i repeat 6 BULANNNNNNNNNN.jeles kan???hehe.tapi tak pe.turn anda akan menyusul kemudian.kepada adik2 yang sedang bercuti, sila lah enjoy cuti tu.sementara boleh bangun lambat kan.if dah dok hostel, memang dah tak de lah peluang nye nak bangun lambat mcm kat rumah kan. bagi aku yang tengah cuti 6 bulan ni teruskan bercuti. nak kerja rasa dah malas.sebab dah best dok rumah ni.

tambah2 lah lagi mase cuti ni banyak pulak lah kendurinya.memang makan tido lah kan.tapi x elok 2?exercise lah sket. kalau dah malas sangat buat je lah chicken dance tu.ok jugak lah.tapi jangan pulak buat kat depan rumah. takut kena gelak pula nnti dengan orang yang lalu lalang.hahahaha.okeh lah.nak aku nak highlight kat sini is ramai orang yang kahwin muda.umur 19 dah bertunang or kahwin??logik ke. tapi ramai yang kata jodoh dah sampai. then,kalau jodoh dah sampai tak kan lari ke mana lah.tunggu lah dulu sampai habis belajar.bukan nye beribu tahun pun kan. sebab lepas kahwin or bertunang kena pulak duduk jauh dengan husband? sanggup ke anda? 

so kesimpulan nya if ada lagi peluang untuk belajar,just grab it.bukan senang kan nak sambung sekarang.nanti bila dah bergelar graduan,boleh lah cari kerja. kumpul duit. then , barulah melangkah ke alam perkahwinan.tapi jangan lupa untuk mencari jodoh tuh. masa dah nak abis study, boleh lah survey awek or pakwe yang hensem sebab bila dah kerja nanti dah tak de mase nak mencari nye.hehehe. (cakap macam tau je kan)

ok ni macam tak de kaitan dengan tajuk sangat. kira halal lah kan.hehe.
see in in the next post!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


salam to all readers.firstly nak mintak ampun dan maaf sebab dah lama x update blog ni.hmm.busy sket here goes my new entry.alhamdulillah syukur sebab akhirnya our next program berjalan dengan lancar even ada lah sikit cacat cela.biasa lah tu.mana ade manusia yang sempurna.selepas 2 minggu planning and busy dengan kertas kerja,akhirnya kami dijemput untuk ke ENGLISH SMART CAMP oleh felda wilayah mempaga.kami dijemput untuk menjadi fasi di 2 tempat yang berlainan which is bera and bentong.paling menguji kesabaran ialah bila nak cari fasi seramai 10 orang.

sound very easy but it is not.memang kena banyak bersabar dalam proses cari akak or abang fasi.lagipun kami ni hanya 80 ramai lah yang busy melayan isteri dan suami di rumah.haha.tinggal lah yang bujang je 9 orang.thanks a lot to raihanah,adibah,pojan, nadhirah,masturah,ummi,aqilah and ain sebab sudi luangkan masa untuk mendidik adik2 last,it was really awesome to be with all of u.adik2 pun ade yang dah start rindu kita.yang paling terharu bila ada adik yang post lagu u raise me up and season in the son untuk kita kat dalam fb.

wahhh!!!memang semangat.ada jugak yang tanya bila kita nak datang lagi.bila???soalan yang mungkin tak terjawab.tapi ikhlaskan dan halalkan segala ilmu kita dekat adik2.and banyak jugak kenangan manis and pahit kita sama2.insyaAllah kita akan habiskan masa bersama lagi.thanks to all.hanya tuhan dapat membalas jasa fasi semua.and im very sorry for all my wrong doings and tempat yg tak selesa.2 je yang mampu kami sediakan